A part of grilling out for any occasion, but especially big holidays is cleaning up after yourself. Whether you have a Daughtridge propane gas Rocky Mount, NC product or any other, you could be facing hours of scrubbing and rinsing if you do not have the right supplies. Thankfully, our team has your side. After all, our propane gas grills were meant to last you a lifetime of backyard grill sessions. To celebrate Memorial Day and the upcoming Fourth of July, do not fear cooking how you want, because you want to avoid the mess. We can show you just how to take care of your propane gas Rocky Mount, NC grill!
For a Clean Grill in 15 Minutes, Follow These Minute Steps:
- Minute 1: let your grill cool down by turning all of your dials to off positions
- Minute 2: remove the grates and plates while wearing gloves and soak them in hot water
- Minute 3 and 4: loosing cover heating elements with foil while you scrub the hood
- Minute 5, 6, 7: use the grill brush to continue scrubbing all inside elements
- Minute 8: empty the drip pan into a trash can
- Minute 9, 10, 11: lean the soaked grates and plates against the wall, scrub them, then rinse them with a hose
- Minute 12: put all grates, plates, and other elements back in their place
- Minute 13: if your propane gas Rocky Mount, NC product has a cabinet, sweep it out to get leaves and debris
- Minute 14 and 15: use stainless still cleaning wipes or a cotton cloth with soap water to wipe down the exterior of your grill.
By the time you take these steps, your grill will be good and ready for the next outdoor grilling adventure. If your current grill is damaged beyond repair, go ahead and invest in a brand new, durable, made to last Daughtridge grill from Daughtridge Energy & Gas.